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Luke Doecke

Saxony Building

Luke Doecke lives in the metropolis that is Mt McKenzie with his wife Lisa and children Ollie and Matilda.

Luke has over 15 years of experience in the construction industry and together with Lisa they run building company, Saxony Building.

Along with their awesome team, who are like family, they love creating homes for their clients and call themselves ‘client-centric’ taking the time to make sure all the little details of building peoples dream homes are attended too.

As Builders you may think they only excel on the tools but wait until you see them on the dance floor!!

"Cancer has touched our lives very deeply, a wonderful friend lived her life by the motto ‘Dance in your kitchen’ so we thought we’d take it a step further and dance on the stage for all of those people who will always mean so much to us and to support those who continue their own cancer journey."

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